Back to school

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 3:05 PM
Velkommen tilbake til StampARTic.

Vi håper dere alle har hatt en fantastisk sommer. Artsy team er allerede i gang, med en flott artikkel, og nå er også resten av oss i StampARTic klar for papirglede og kreativitet.
Som vi annonserte før ferien, har vi fått med oss tre nye designere, Jannhild, Malin og Minttu, og vi gleder oss veldig til å jobbe sammen med disse fantastisk dyktige jentene.
Skolene åpner snart etter ferien, og vi har laget litt ”back to school” inspirasjon. Her er det teamet har laget med skolestart i tankene.

Welcome back to StampARTic.

We hope you all had a fantastic summer. Artsy team has already started with a great article, and now the rest of StampARTic is ready to play with papers and creativity.
As we announced before our vacation, we have three new designers on our team. Jannhild, Malin og Minttu. We are so lucky to get to work with these talented girls.
The schools are soon to open after summer, and we have made some “back to school” inspiration.
Here you can see what DT has made from the theme “Back to School”.




I´ve made pencil cases for my kids, and they chose the colours and papers themselves :).


Sometimes you might want to study on your own without any interference.
So I have made a doorsign for that purpose :)


Here I made ​​a little cart.

And here I have made 2 small notes books.


I have made a school tools box for my school girl...



I made a paper album for my little daughter who just started her first class.

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