Challenge in May

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 3:03 PM 0 comments
Hello everyone
So we are once again ready with a new challenge for you here in May,
we can now begin to feel that the summer has finally arrived.

 This time you are going to make cards in shapes.
But it is not the only challenge on the card.
The theme is summer and picnics.

 We have the pleasure, that  Kortgleder once again sponsoring
a special gift to the lucky winner.

As you can see these beautiful dies from Nellie Snellen.

Kortgleder are an online shop that is run by Jorunn Kasin Oksefjell and Gunnar Oksefjell, and they run their business from home. Jorunn works as a teacher, and spend the rest of her time on children and the shop. Gunnar works full time, and he also takes care of the accounting. They both do a fantastic job, giving the best service to all the customers. I recommend a visit to the Kortgleder shop, you won`t regret it.

Kortgleder have a blog, to show all the great Nellie Snellen products, and I can promise you a lot of new ideas and inspiration.

Here is some inspiration from the Design Team:








To enter the challenge, please leave your name and a link
to your card in the Mr Linky scheme below.
Deadline is the 8th of May, midnight StampArtic time.

A blog adventure

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 3:05 PM 0 comments
Vi vil gjerne få invitere dere alle med på en reise i bloggland.

Hva er nytt med det, tenker du kanskje. Vi reiser vel alle rundt i bloggland både titt og ofte, og vi har alle våre favoritt blogger trygt plassert på blogglista vår. Men det finnes så mye mer der ute!

Vi i StampARTic DT vil gjerne presentere noen av våre favorittblogger, og forhåpentligvis gi dere en reise gjennom blogger dere kanskje ikke har oppdaget ennå. Hver eneste en av disse bloggene er en skatt, og vel verdt et besøk.

Vi ønsker dere alle en vakker og inspirerende bloggreise.

We want to invite you all to a trip through blog land.

What is new about that, you might think. We all take a trip through blog land from time to time, and we all have our favorite blogs on our blog roll. But it is so much more out there!

We in StampARTic DT want to present for you some of our favorite blogs, and hopefully give you a journey through blogs you yet haven`t discovered. Each and everyone of these blogs are a treasure, and well worth a visit.

We wish you all a beautiful and inspiring blog adventure.


I would like to give you all a link to Jannhilds beautiful blog.
Here you can see two of her wonderful projects, and her blog is filled with pearls like this.

I would like to share a multi-talented lady's blog : Anita's Kreative side
Anita is a great card maker and her coloring is outstanding,
but she is also busy with other crafting projects,
and all she makes is just wonderful:
Here are some preview's

And here is Anita herself in a dress she has made herself!
Like I said: multi talented lady!!


One of my favorite blogs is the one I like to share with you, it's Tinkstiina. I like espacially her world of colours and great ideas. I always get into great mood when I visit in her blog.

Maissi's pick


Here I will show one of my favorite blog that I regularly visit.
She creates the most beautiful creations, with the most amazing detail.
Her name is Fabienne Pernot and you'll find her HERE.


I have a friend who makes a lots of beautiful cards, LO and
knitting projects....
Her name is Line and this is her blog:


Have been spending some time looking around out there for beautiful but not yet so well-known blogs, and  luckily I stumbled  over Sarah´s Scrapperi. This talented lady does it all- cards, LO:s and altered projects with the same excellence. I strongly recommend you to visit her blog and see for yourself !


I can highly recommend a lovelly blogger who is incredibly inspiring and talented on both card making and layouts but also to make altred crafting!
Her coloring is just MAGIC!
Thank you Rimna for the inspiraionen you always giving me!

Some cards Rimna have made;


The blog I found I really like are this blog by Mikaela.
A very, very talented lady to make cards, alter
and layouts in a little more artsy style.
And the decorations she makes are stunning.
Hope you get as inspired as I am.

Just look at this chest. It´s so cooool.

Wish you all a nice blog journey.

I'm Cool with Solomon

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 3:16 PM 0 comments
Welcome to "The Gods Are Bored!" In my previous post I complained about having to read from "Song of Solomon" at the Fairie Festival this weekend, and no less than 15 bored deities showed up to set me straight (along with my enlightened readers). "Song" is all about sex, and it's very ancient, so tra la la!

Now it's time to sally forth to the festival! Here's a partial list of stuff I have already packed in the car:

1. Beautiful tablecloth for Mountain Tribe, made from scratch by Pam and Rita (thereby saving my sorry hide).
2. Three bags stuffed dragons
3. Two large rocks, a box of small ones (all but one Marcellus shale)
4. Framed Terrence McKenna quote with art by Seitou (pretty proud of this ... waiting to see how many people ask who Seitou is)
5. Shameless plea for membership in Mountain Tribe (you must have a pulse)
7. Picture of Big Red
8. Big Red
9. Picture of me and Spare (Spare will be arriving by separate transportation)
10. Banner with tribal chant on it, made by Spare
11. "My Heart, My Soul, and My Grave are in Appalachia" pin
12. Mushu and Grape (dragons from Seattle out on a spree)
13. bag of Lucky Trolls
14. Basket of purple ribbons
15. 300 safety pins and bowl to put them in

Here's what I have still left to pack:

1. Outfit #1: Neon tie-dye, red skirt, mountain hat
2. Outfit #2: Neon tie-dye tunic, capri leggings, hiking boots
3. Outfit #3: Will be a combination of above
4. Outfit #4 for Tribe games: Dalek t-shirt, shorts, sneakers
5. Most important, therefore most likely to be forgotten: Green Man earrings, Puck, and Chance

Assorted socks, underwear, and toiletries, Advil and Zyrtec (been shoving those puppies down)

It's not so bad taking all this stuff with me, but the thought that I'll have to shove it all back in the car on Sunday and drive home, then go straight into work the following day ... whoa, gonna need some good faeries on this one.

Walk of Fame - April 2011

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 3:01 PM 0 comments

Det er tid til at præsentere de kort vi har fundet til Walk of Fame. Som vi plejer, finder vi de mest fantastiske kreationer ude i blogverdenen og det er en stor ære at præsentere kortene vi har valgt til WoF.

Det er tid for å presentere kort vi har funnet til Walk of Fame. Som vanlig finner vi de mest fantastiske kreasjoner der ute i bloggverden og det er en stor ære å presentere kortene til 'WoF'

Det är tid att igen presentera våra val av kort till Walk of Fame. Vilken otroligt runda vi har haft. Vi hittade det mest otroligt vackra kort och vi har glädjen att visa kortena vi valt till 'WoF'.

It's time to present to you our choices of cards for Walk of Fame. We did have the most incredible journey looking for cards. It's a pleasure to show our choices for 'WoF'.

On aika kertoa mitkä kortit on tässä kuussa tullut valituksi Walk of Fame joukkoon. Mikä uskomaton blogikierros onkaan takana ja löysimme mitä uskomattomia kortteja. Meillä on kunnia esitellä teille tämän kuun valintamme 'WoF' sarjaan.

Walk of Fame
Gratulerer * Congratulations* Onnea

The Odds Were One in Four

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 4:25 AM 0 comments
Welcome to "The Gods Are Bored!" Today I'm taking a little excursion to my family property on Polish Mountain, 312 Johnson Road to be exact. I dearly love that place and can't wait to get there.

I've been moaning and groaning here at this space for five years, so I guess one more piece of bitching won't send you packing.

Every year the Fairie Festival at Spoutwood has ceremonies at which are chosen the King and Queen of the May. This is a right and proper Celtic custom, like the Maypole.

This year's festival has a new Master of Ceremonies, and he has written an elaborate ceremony for the coronation. He attached the script to an email, in which he wrote: "We will be quoting from Taliesin, The Bible, Buddha, and (forget the other one)."

Before I even opened the attachment, I said to myself, "I just know I'm going to get the Bible."

Sure enough. Song of Solomon.

We at "The Gods Are Bored" praise and worship each and every bored deity who has ever had a population of faithful. The one deity we don't care to recognize is YHWH, because He's busy enough and never bored. It's a bitter pill I have to swallow to do this, but I'll do it. Not sure why the OT was tapped for this, I guess it's so that we are "inclusive."

But why me?

Excuse me while I wallow in self-pity (Not really, it's not that important and will be over in a second, like a flu shot ... oh, wait. Flu shots hurt for hours.)

Do you think they'll notice if I substitute "Song of Myself?" It's a song.

Eostre Meditation

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 10:26 AM 0 comments
Welcome to "The Gods Are Bored," out early this morning and hearing on the radio about Jesus cheating death. I hate to break it to our modern world, but this is not a concept unique to Christianity. Ask around amongst the bored gods, and you'll find any number from any number of pantheons who have done the same thing (or know Someone who did).

I went to get bagels early  -- because nothing is more sacred than commerce these days -- and on the way I was listening to news radio.

Of course it's a slow news day, so the reporters were making the rounds of sunrise services and interviewing pastors.

One local Christian pastor says Easter is the most important date on the Christian calendar because "Jesus rising from the dead is the central most important tenet of our faith. Because he died and rose, we can have eternal life."

Getting past all that "eternal life" stuff, which I pondered through many and many a dull sermon back in the day, I have to feel disappointed in what this pastor had to say.

First of all, he basically told Christians what a majority of them already know: It's just fine if you only go to church once a year, on Easter. The rest of it is window dressing.

But second, I think that pastor was selling Christianity way short. Even when I was a Christian, I would not have said that Jesus's resurrection was the central tenet of my faith. I'd have said something like, "Love your neighbor," or "be kind to your enemies," or "the meek will inherit the Earth." I might have said something about putting others' needs before (or at least next to) your own.

Sitting in some heaven listening to angel choirs for eternity would not have even made the top ten.

Death creeps us out, so it's nice to have a little happy story in the back of your head about living with God forever. But since no one except Jesus has come back from the dead to tell us what it's really like -- and he didn't say much -- I think our modern religion ought to have a little more philosophical heft to it. It should be grounded in moral responsibility to self, others, and surroundings. And with that grounding should come deeds to back it up. These deeds should not be performed in anticipation of immortality, but just because something right and good needs to be done.

Well, my zero atheist readers are now saying, "Dammit, Mom, quit praying over me! It's annoying!" (I'm fairly certain that few atheists read "The Gods Are Bored.")

  Back to my sermon: Actually what I just suggested is probably the atheist creed, certainly not needing to be tied to any particular faith. However, if you combine that creed with a quiet appreciation of the reality of Higher Powers, you can feel  that the good you're doing becomes part of a tradition, perhaps one your ancestors followed.


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House in Faerie and Dragon Overload

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 2:42 PM 0 comments
Welcome to "The Gods Are Bored," just a few short days east of the May Day Fairie Festival at Spoutwood Farm!

I sure hope I'm feeling better by that time, because I think I've had two different bouts of flu this week, plus pinkeye. Today I scuttled my plans to see my friends in Allentown, and just sitting here at the computer is exhausting work.

Oh, but the festival preparations continue!

In times past, leaders of Tribes were not asked to bring anything but themselves and little tokens to give out to anyone who wanted to join the tribe. I thought I had finally volunteered for something that would ask little and give a lot.

But I'm doomed to the "say yes syndrome." With about a dozen members of the Mountain Tribe spread over three states, we have been asked to:

1. Prepare a table display explaining all about the Mountain Tribe (partially finished with the great help of Pam and Rita).

2. Create a big sign with a chant on it that our Tribe will have to chant. (Spare is working on this now.)

3. Learn the chant.

4. Be more systematic about the tokens we dole out.

5. Learn the chant.

6. Run games for kids. (That's why I needed the dragons. I still need more.)

7. There was also a rehearsal that I missed last weekend because I was sick, and it rained.

So we went from needing nothing more than boffo costumes, to needing to put on a quarter of a pageant! Faeries help me and Spare, and Pam and Rita, and Bibi as we try to prop up this venture!

The Day Walt Whitman Came to School

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 6:32 PM 0 comments
Welcome to "The Gods Are Bored," Spring Break edition! Not a moment too soon, there's a little lull in the school calendar.

I went to work today with the worst case of laryngitis I've ever had. I could do little more than whisper.

You might ask, "How does a school teacher in that kind of shape, with 100 freshmen in six classes, impart any learning on the day before Spring Break, and a dress-down day at that?"

I get by with a little help from my friends.

Those three of you who have been lumbering along with "The Gods Are Bored" lo, these many years, will know the story of the Weird Stranger Who Became a Best Friend, a.k.a. the Monkey Man. My last rhumba with the Monkey Man was back at Samhain, when we blew away the competition in the Not Snobville Halloween Parade -- he as Edgar Allan Poe, me as Jabberwock. Since then I haven't seen him at all.

But it turns out that, in addition to being a poet himself, he actually knows Walt Whitman!

My friend the Monkey Man arranged for Walt Whitman to visit my classes today in order to recite poetry to them and get them excited about the famous man in their midst.

I arranged the tables so that there was a little theater-in-the-round, and Mr. Whitman entertained my troops with alternating stories about his life in Camden and passages from his poetry. By the end of the day, the classroom floor was strewn with grass and good will.

An odd thing happened, though. About a quarter of my students insisted firmly that Walt Whitman was not, in fact, Walt Whitman, but rather a poet who currently lives in Camden by the name of  Rocky Wilson. Some students were emphatic on this point, and they begged to see the monkey.

 In each class, when Walt Whitman bade farewell, he walked out, and a moment later Rocky Wilson walked in. Some coincidence, huh? But it made everyone happy. The students got to hear passages from "Song of Myself," and then they also got to pet Rocky's monkey (a fond friend from their childhoods in various Camden primary schools). The added benefit was that we have also been studying Nick Virgilio, a famous haiku poet who lived in Camden -- and Rocky Wilson knew Nick Virgilio.

Rocky could not move ten feet in the hallways of the Vo Tech without being recognized. Even the lunch lady lives on his street. We had a fine time together, he and I. We always do. I treated him to lunch (remember, it's a Vo Tech with a Culinary Arts shop, so we eat like Tudors every day), and we made plans to get to some poetry events in May.

This is what I have learned about life. Proceed with patience, accept small miracles that accrue into larger miracles. (Who makes much of a miracle?) Then, sit back and smile when, just for a moment, all the Legos snap into place and you've built a pretty doggoned fine palace.

Mr. Whitman recited these lines, which I find particularly inspiring:

The spotted hawk swoops  by and accuses me,

he complains of my gab and my loitering.

I too am not a bit tamed, I too am


I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of

the world.

The last scud of day holds back for me,

It flings my likeness after the rest and true

as any on the shadow'd wilds,

It coaxes me to the vapor and the dusk.

I depart as air, I shake my white locks at

the runaway sun,

I effuse my flesh in eddies, and drift it in

lacy jags.

I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from

the grass I love,

If you want me again look for me under

your boot-soles.

You will hardly know who I am or what I mean,

But I shall be good health to you nevertheless,

And filter and fibre your blood.

Failing to fetch me at first keep encouraged,

Missing me one place search another,

I stop somewhere waiting for you. 

And you, and you, and you ... and you ...

Shoppingtip April 2011

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 3:01 PM 0 comments
It´s shopping time here in StampARTic again. :)
See what the girls in the team bought or
put on their wishing list for the easter egg this year.


My shopping tip this month is some of all the great new spellbinders, i just love them all, these i just had to buy, i found them at


I want to continue with tips at new Dies!

I can for example recommend two different Spellbinders I found over at Scrapohobby;

 Then I have found some new type of dies called Cheery Lynn over at InkyWings.


I have found the most beautiful summer stamps made by Faye Whittaker.

Here you can see a some of them, and if you like to see them all you find them here at Joanna Sheen`s.

Another tip from me will be the new and beautiful paper collection from Pion Design.

Happy Easter and happy shopping from us in StampARTic!

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