The Great Grand Album Challenge

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 12:15 PM
Well, my friends, there's so much going on in the world right now that I wish I had time to write more. I promise I'll have an interesting post tomorrow or the next day.

In the meantime, I have three weeks. The clock is ticking.

Three weeks to load my MP3 player with everything under the sun. Then the stupid monthly subscription fee runs out. We've been paying this fee for over a year without downloading a single snippet of music.

Therefore I intend to make up for lost time. I'm going to load as many albums as I can. That way I recoup the money we've spent for the doggone Rhapsody all along.

Fling your recommendations my way! I do not like jazz. I'm pretty versed in classical. I'd rather swim in Jello than listen to most Broadway, so forget that too. Never liked opera. If it's country music, it has to be edgy.

Need: music that gives you that extra boost at the end of the day. Ethnic music, especially Scottish and Celtic. Fusion, so long as it has a beat. Drums. Dance.

What do you like that the bored gods would party to? Make a list and check it twice. Subscription ends April 27.

And yes, listening to this little MP3 player is like being let out of silence jail. Currently "Earth, Wind & Fire." Highly recommend. Although it pegs me age-wise.

Please don't recommend The Residents. I will block you.

Peace to all -- some Walt Whitman this week, I think.

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