I pulled up just after listening to the information on cholecystitis and was thankful I still had an appetite. The kind BF was waiting for me with dough in one hand, flowers in the other, perfect beginning if you ask me. I also was surprised to see a Happy Birthday Cookie Cake from my generous parents waiting on the door step. It really made my day.
I watched from a distance as He assembled the pizza and I thought it was brilliant that he picked up dough from Cosi and gathered toppings from the salad bar at Harris Teeter. I always find that when I make a pizza with an array of toppings, I only use a little of each thing I purchased. He worked the dough like a pro :) and we sat down to some salads and wine while it baked in the oven on a pizza stone we purchased from Target. It really makes the difference in the crust.
We chatted about our upcoming summer plans and everything going on in our lives and it was a great evening with even better food. After dinner we broke out a piece of the cookie cake and I didn't even know this whole time there were chocolate covered strawberries he sneakily placed in the freezer when arriving. He had a great idea of coating the strawberries with Hershey's hard-shell syrup and it worked like a charm.
Last night was somewhat more indulgent than usual but the circumstances called for a celebration. I was so grateful for everyone's sincere wishes and the thoughfulness of the dinner.
Today I started my morning as usual, coffee and a protein bar for breakfast.
This was followed by a cheesestring, yogurt, and granola bar for easy snacks throughout the day. I find it is best for my schedule to eat small meals every 2-3 hours when I am at the office.
Have a great day!
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