Sketch callenge

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 9:01 PM 0 comments
Vi er klar med en ny skisseutfordring, og Pion Design har sponset premien denne gangen.
Deres nye papirer er aldeles nydelige, og her er en liten smak av hva den heldige vinneren kan vente seg.

Følg også med oss her hos StampARTic den 4/6, da får du sjansen til å bli bedre kjent med Pion Design, og du får se hva vi i DT har laget med disse fantastiske papirene.


We are ready with a new sketch challenge for you, and the price this time is sponsored by Pion Design.
Their new papers are absolutely wonderful, and here you get a taste of what the winner have to look forward to.

If you visit StampARTic 4/6, you will get to know Pion Design a little better, and you can take a look at what we in DT have made with these beautiful papers.


Den flotte skissen dere får leke med denne gangen er det Maissi som har laget, og husk at du står fritt til å snu og vende på skissen, og legge til elementer om du vil, men vi må kunne kjenne igjen skissen i kortet ditt.

Maissi has made the great sketch you get to play with this time. Feel free to turn the sketch and add elements if you like, but we have to recognize the sketch in your card.

Her er litt inspirasjon fra oss i DT. / Here is some inspiration from DT.









Lykke til alle sammen.
Fristen er 8. juni, midnatt, StampARTic tid.
For å delta legger du igjen navn og link hos Mr. Linky. Husk å linke til selve bidraget ditt.


Good luck to all of you.
The deadline is June 8th 2010 - Midnight StampARTic time.
To participate, leave your name and link in the Mister Linky scheme. Remember to link directly to your card.

StampARTic's new lay out...

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 1:37 PM 0 comments

Vi er så glade for å kunne vise frem vår nye lay out i dag.
Vi har vært så heldige å få Kristine til å designe vårt nye ansikt på www-verden, 
og vi er så fornøyde med jobben hun har gjort for oss.
Tusen takk Kristine!

Som dere ser har vi nå tab'er eller faner om du vil, der vi har katalogisert vårt magasin.
Noe vi håper vil gjøre det lettere for deg å finne frem.

Ønsker du å delta i vår pågående utfordring?... den finner du under Challenges.
Eller leter du etter en bestemt tutorial??.. De er listet alfabetisk under Tutorial tab'en.

Hvis du ønsker å se hvem som er i Design teamene våre og kanskje besøke våre personlige blogger, så finner du oss under Design Team, og ARTsy team medlemmene under Artsy team.

Er du på utkikk etter en plass å shoppe, under sponsor tab'en finner du linker til alle våre generøse sponsorer.
Måndens sponsorer vil alltid bli linket til på fremsiden.

Vi håper at dere liker våre nye lay out, og at dere snart blir vant med vår nye side, og ikke minst at dette vil 
gjøre StampARTic mer leservennlig.

We are so happy to present to you our new lay out!
We have been so lucky to have Kristine designing our new face 
on the www-world, and we are so happy with her work. 
Thank you so much Kristine! 

As you can see we have tabs on the top now, 
where you can find what you are looking for much easier now.
Want to enter our on-going challenge??.. find it under the Challenge tab...
Looking for a specific tutorial??... they are all listed under the tutorial tab. 

If you want to visit the Design Teams personal blogs, or just see who we are,
you will find us listed under the Design Team tab, and ARTsy team under the Artsy team tab.
Want to go shopping...?? 
All of our sponsors are listed under the sponsor tab. 
The current month sponsors will always be listed on the front page. 

We hope you like our new lay out, and we hope you will get familiar with the new page, 
and that it will make it easier for you to read our magazine. 

I Must Be Stupid

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 11:04 AM 0 comments
Welcome to "The Gods Are Bored," Memorial Day issue! Remember, hate the war, not the warrior. In all my long life, I've never heard someone say, "Goddamn, I wish I could go back to the front lines and kill some more people!"

We've written many times about Memorial Day here at TGAB, so today's sermon is not going to be about patriotism, but about stupidity. Frankly, I'm feeling stupid, and I wonder if I'm alone in my idiocy.

What's bothering me is that technology doesn't make any sense.


Look at this thing! For the love of fruit flies, it looks complicated to me! All that scaffolding, all those parts. I would almost make book on the fact that more than one fine mind spent itself designing this puppy. Of course, you would expect something complicated like this, given its purpose. Not easy to go down deep in that dark water, drill a hole, and suck up fossilized liquid plant matter from Hell's basement. You've got to have some immensely elaborate equipment to do the job.

Seriously. Peruse this picture. Is it hard to imagine that something could go wrong on equipment like this? I guess I'm just stupid. I look at that picture, and I say to myself, "But what if Tab A gets pulled out of Slot B somehow?

It could be that a lot of that steel and stuff is just for artistic embellishment, so the oil rig looks good in photographs. I honestly don't know. You tell me. I might paint it a different color, or hang some Christmas lights on it, if the whole thing is just a clever facade, and what's really needed is just the Awesome Augur and a few deep sea divers.


Here's where I feel like a stone cold moron. This thing looks so easy to make that you could put Red Green and his duct tape to work for a few hours, and it would be done. Heck, when I was a mere stripling I had a magnifying glass that I used to focus the sun on dried leaves and set them on fire.

I admit this could be total ignorance on my part, but solar panels look like they could be made by the millions in a converted Coca-Cola factory and slapped onto rooftops by anyone brave enough to climb a ladder.

Why am I so stupid? Please give me the details of this Intelligent Design. We put so much faith in Exhibit A, when Exhibit B seems so much more practical. Why, if you were to compare Exhibit A to Exhibit B using a natural model, Exhibit A would be Homo sapiens, and Exhibit B would be some basic, one-celled microscopic critter swimming on the locker room floor in some gym.

MRSA MRSA me. I'm so confused.

Winner of the 2nd challenge in May

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 9:19 PM 0 comments
Olipas ihania kortteja mitä saimme tähän aurinko haasteeseen. Valinta voittajasta oli todella, todella vaikeaa, koska joukossa oli niin moni kortti, joka olisi ansainnut voiton.

What a lot of wonderful cards we got for this sun challenge. We had some difficulties chosing the winner because there where so many cards to chose from.

Haasteen palkinnon sponsorina toimii Motivet ja voittaja saa valita yhden haluamansa leimasimen.

The sponsor for this challenge is Motivet and the winner can chose one stamp of her choise from the collections.

Voittaja on ...
The winner is...

... tällä ihanalla kesäisellä kortilla.
... with this lovely summer card. 

Paljon Onnea voittajalle.
Congratulations to the winner.

Lähetäthän LillBlomman yhteystietosi sähköpostiosoitteeseemme

Pleace LillBlomman send us your adress to so that we can get in touch with you.


Huomenna taas uusi haaste ja tiedossa on myös jotain jännittävää. Joten pysykää kanavalla!

Tomorrow there will be a new challenge and also something exciting will happen. So stay with us!

Walk of Fame - May 2010

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 8:34 AM 0 comments

Det er tid for å presentere kort vi har funnet til Walk of Fame. Som vanlig finner vi de mest fantastiske kreasjoner der ute i bloggverden og det er en stor ære å presentere kortene til 'WoF'

Det är tid att igen presentera våra val av kort till Walk of Fame. Vilken otrolig runda vi har haft. Vi hittade det mest otroligt vackra kort och vi har glädjen att visa kortena vi valt till 'WoF'.

It's time to present to you our choices of cards for Walk of Fame. We did have the most incredible journey looking for cards. It's a pleasure to show our choices for 'WoF'.

On aika kertoa mitkä kortit on tässä kuussa tullut valituksi Walk of Fame joukkioon. Blogissa surffailessa törmää mitä ihanimpiin juttuihin. Meillä on kunnia esitellä teille tämän kuun valintamme 'WoF' sarjaan.

Walk of Fame  
Gratulerer * Congratulations * Onnittelut

Kubiando Ball

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 10:09 AM 0 comments
Hello, I must be going! (Thanks, Groucho!)

Spare and I are off to the Kubiando Ball, a little faerie-friendly celebration for those who volunteered their services at the Spoutwood May Day Fairie Festival. Oh boy! A ball!

The Gods Are Bored will return Monday. We do not anticipate finding any humor in the oil spill in the Gulf. High dudgeon, yes. Humor, nope.

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Winner of the Artsy Challenge

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 3:06 PM 0 comments
Det er tid til at kåre en vinder af vores Artsy udfording "Lav din egen baggrund med distress ink." Først må vi sige mange tak for alle de flotte bidrag I har lavet, det var så svært for os at vælge en vinder og vi havde alle flere favoritter. Men vi måtte jo vælge et kort og der var enighed om det valgte! Men først til den flotte præmie som er sponseret af ...

It is time to announce the winner of our Artsy Challenge "Make your own background with distress ink." First we must thank you all for the amazing contributions you have made. It was so difficult for us to pick a winner and we all had several favorites. But we had to choose one card and we all agreed on the one we chose. But first the fabulous prize sponsered by...

Og vinderen er......

And the winner is......


Hermine med dette smukke kort.
Tillykke Hermine. Send din adresse til så biliver din præmie sendt.

Hermine with this beautiful card.
Congratulations Hermine! Send your adress to artsyteam@gmail,com to receive your prize.

Igen mange tak for alle de flotte kort i har lavet til udfordringen.
Thank you so much again for all the beautiful cards you have made for the challenge.

Har du en butik med Artsy materialer til kort og har du lyst til at være vores sponsor, så kontakt os gerne på

If you have a shop with Artsy materials for cards and if you like to be our sponsor, we will love to hear from you at

Isaac Bonewits

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 2:57 PM 0 comments
Welcome to "The Gods Are Bored!" Red dragons always eat free here!

Tonight, Thursday, a number of Pagans are meditating or doing Work on behalf of Isaac Bonewits. Isaac is a leader in the American Druid community, a writer, a magick practitioner, and an all-around nice fellow.

Isaac has developed a form of cancer that is very difficult to treat. You can follow his vicissitudes at his Facebook fan page, and even kindly donate to help pay his medical bills. Please give some thought to helping Isaac financially. He's a self-employed writer. Need I say more on that front?

I heard Isaac speak once and attended a Ritual with him. He is a very commonsensical person, highly tolerant of all faith paths. At the place where I saw him, he talked for about two hours about the founding of ADF (an American Druid community) and his philosophy on bored gods and personal paradigm changes. He spoke eloquently on the money wasted in constructing and maintaining church buildings. I agree with him thoroughly on this. Once you start pouring cash into a structure, the praise and worship becomes about the structure and not the deity.

Isaac is a dear man, gentle and kind, laid-back and full of plain, down-to-earth wisdom. Which is exactly what you would expect of a Druid, actually. Let us all send him energy and petition the bored gods for restoration of his health.

Tonight the Shrine of the Mists will be illuminated for Isaac Bonewits. Protect, o Green Man, one of Your own.

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Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 3:03 PM 0 comments
Welcome to "The Gods Are Bored!" We'll dispense with the hook today and get right to the little acronym up top.

My daughter The Spare and I coined the acronym YKMR for use at the thrift store. When she tries on something totally inappropriate, I say, "YKMR?" When I try to fit my fanny into an itty bitty size, she says, "YKMR?"

YKMR stands for "You're kidding me, right?"

Now, actually this little piece of information is a hook into one of our great "Gods Are Bored" columns of free advice! Read on, and learn how to avoid being placed on a jury for a grisly criminal homicide case!

All three of my readers know that I live in a New Jersey county renowned for more than just being the burial place for Walt Whitman. My county, lying just a mere spit from Philadelphia, has residents of each and every socio-economic level, from the richest of the rich to the poorest of the poor. I teach at a school that serves the poorer of the poor, meaning that my students, while sharing Walt Whitman's city, also are mostly from the upwardly-mobile immigrant class.

Today I reported for jury duty in Walt's city at the County Court.

Three years ago when I had jury duty, I went in and sat in a chair all day, alternately watching CNN and reading an improving piece of literature. I figured it would mostly be the same today.

BAMP! Wrong.

Precisely on the stroke of 8:30 a.m. the court official announced that they were going to start calling numbers for a criminal trial. There were 500 people in the room. The court called 80 potential jurors. I was one of them. And when you're one of 80 potential jurors in this specific city, knowing you're going in for a criminal case, you know immediately it's going to be serious business.

Sure enough, upon entering the courtroom, we were handed a lengthy questionnaire. It had the usual stuff in it, like, "Do you recognize any of these names as people you know?" and "Have you ever served on a jury before?" But then it took a sinister twist:

"Are you able to look at autopsy photos without averting your eyes?"

"Would you be able to render a just verdict if you knew the victim was homosexual?"

"Would you be able to render a just verdict if you knew that drug sales and/or drug abuse was involved in the case?"

Then the trial attorneys and the defendant came into the courtroom. Prosecutor: young, crisply-dressed Hispanic woman. Defendant: young African American male. Defense attorney: elderly, avuncular African American male.

I think this was when the first YKMR hit.

The judge gave us a brief overview of the allegations against the defendant, and let me just tell you -- whether he is guilty or not, I sure wanted to avoid those autopsy photos. And for a long time it looked like I was in the clear. By noon the judge had sat 12 jurors and three alternates, with only one juror unsure of his employment situation. About seven potential jurors had gotten off (albeit with stern scolding from the judge) for various employment issues. Me, I'm a first-year school teacher with 16 days left in the school year, but the judge had already made clear that he would not excuse anyone who wasn't self-employed and could prove financial hardship.

At lunch break, all I could think of was, "It's a lottery, and you still have about a 1-in-50 chance of dodging this."

After lunch, everything changed.

The juror who had employment issues was dismissed. Then the prosecution and defense began picking off jurors they didn't like. A few people who got excused were no-brainers, like the tanned redneck construction worker and the retired machinist who still held a grudge about being burgled 40 years after the fact. But other jurors went as well, and every time one of them was excused, the court aide rose and called another number.

Readers, it was agony.

Then a pattern emerged. More and more of the people called up were clearly trying to plead their way out of being on the jury. Finally the judge, in exasperation, told us that there was another homicide trial for which jurors were being called, and a medical malpractice suit that could take six weeks.

It was reassuring to know that any way I turned, grisly autopsy photos or sickening medical malpractice photos loomed.

And then they called my number.

I'll bet I looked like a deer in the headlights walking up there. My heart was doing the Jitterbug.

Here's where the free advice kicks in. Always be truthful, and if truthful means babbling like an idiot and saying, "I don't know what you mean," then do it!

I truthfully told the judge that I could render an impartial verdict. When he asked where I worked, I truthfully told him a high school that serves students from the city.

The defense attorney asked me how I thought the students in my "school community" would react if they knew I was serving on this jury.

I babbled. Truthfully, I don't know. I wouldn't tell my students what kind of trial I was serving on anyway. The only thing I clearly remember telling the judge, defense, and prosecution was that my students often speak of the criminal justice system, never in a flattering way, but that I understood that I was always only hearing their side of the story.

The prosecutor asked me how I felt about guns. I think that's where I said, "I don't know what you mean." That's when she clarified: How did I feel about gun violence? Duh. Babble. Does anyone think gun violence is a good thing?

Then she asked me if I thought people who grew up in difficult circumstances deserved consideration for their difficult upbringings. I didn't babble on that one. I just said, "No." Can you let someone get away with homicide because they had it tough growing up?

Before I could say, "I need a bathroom break," I was sent to the jury box to the empty seat.

Anne Johnson, Juror #1 in a criminal homicide case involving handguns, drugs, and homosexuality.

That's when the YKMRs began.

You're kidding me, right? You're kidding me, right? YOU ARE KIDDING ME, RIGHT? I'm no lawyer, but I would never seat a kindly school teacher of disadvantaged kids on a jury to try a disadvantaged kid for a criminal offense.

Yes. They were kidding. After about 10 minutes of me sitting there looking like a stuffed and mounted deer in the headlights, the prosecutor turned around and said, "I ask to excuse Juror #1."

Back to the free advice. Before the lunch break, I was planning to tell judge I could never look at autopsy photos, it would make me physically ill and traumatized (entirely true). Instead, with that crutch being removed, I fell back on the truth, which sounded so incomprehensible -- even to me -- that I'm sure the defense attorney wanted me off the jury too.

I descended back into the jury holding area, drowning in a ball of sweat. But then the day got better very quickly.

I had sent Mr. Bigwand an email about having to miss class. I had my Netbook with me and had checked my emails a few times. He hadn't replied. So I called his cell phone, told him where I was, and told him I would be late for class. And apologized, because tonight was the night I was supposed to present some drivel or another. He gave me a free pass and said I'd done enough for the day!

Free advice: Everyone pities you when you get jury duty. Use that to your advantage as you can.

The prayer that unites all Druids calls for us to have a knowledge of justice and a love of it. But justice is a slippery thing. None of us comes into a jury box without preconceived notions. My preconceived notion in this case is that the culture of poverty predisposes some young people to become violent. Would this have swayed me in a criminal case with a clean packet of evidence? No. But if there was a shadow of a doubt, I'd be like a weeping willow.

I guess the prosecutor figured that out.

One final note in this ultra-long sermon. There were 80 people from all races, ages, and walks of life called into a room to judge an extremely serious case. Almost all of these people could have cared less about what they heard. During breaks they laughed and joked around like they were at some ice cream social. One young moron loudly declared, "I'm a racist, and I'll tell the judge that right to his face! They'll never put me on that jury!" A young man's life was about to be decided for him, and his potential jurors only wondered if they could re-book their rentals at the Shore.

The irony of all of this is that next week I will be teaching my students a play called "Twelve Angry Men." If you haven't heard of it, look it up. I'm glad that when I act it out, it will be in a classroom and not a courtroom.

As always, our "Gods Are Bored" advice is free. Until August, when I start begging for books again.

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Shoppingtip May

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 3:01 PM 0 comments
Det är snart slutet av månaden och lönetider,
så vad passar väl bättre än... med ännu ett nytt shopping tips från teamet. :)

It´s soon end of the month and time for the paycheck to arrive,
what suits better... then yet another shoppingtip from the team. :)

Har köpt siluette stämplar från Hero Arts
som är toppen till vattenfärgs målning.
Man kan också stämpla dem med distress ink eller 
embossa och färglägga blommorna efteråt.
Hon köpte sina från Paperella
Got new silhoutte stamps from Hero Arts 
that are great for watercolouring. 
You can also stamp them with distress inks or emboss the area 
around the flowers and colour afterwards. 
She bought these from Paperella

Och när vi ändå pratar Hero Arts Stamps
kan jag säga att jag verkligen gillar dessa stämplar...
Perfekta till bakgrunder.
Alla 3 från Hero Arts.
De står på min "Att köpa lista".

And while we talk Hero Arts stamps 
I really like these stamps..perfect for backgrounds
All 3 from Hero Arts.
They are on my "To buy" list.


Hon fortsätter med stämplar...
O gillar dessa sötnosar.
Stämplar från Faerie- Song.
Hon köpte sina hos Papir i hjertet 

She continues with the stamps..
Sweet stamps from Faerie- song.
She bought hers from Papir i hjertet

Gillar Tim Holtz eller iaf bland hans produkter..
Här är det Tim Holtz vintage knoppar 3/pkt
och Tim Holtz linjal band.
Hon har hittat dessa hos UnikScrap
Likes Tim Holtz or at least his products..
Tim Holtz, Curio Knobs 3/Pkg and
Tim Holtz, Ruler Ribbon 
She has purchased them at UnikScrap


Dubbelspets från Panduro
Vacker som den är eller tillsammans med ett smalt band på mitten.

Dubblelace from Panduro
Pretty as it is or treaded with a small ribbon.

Är idag sist med sitt tips om en skärare.
The Zutter Kutter.

Are today last with her tip on a new cutter.
She has found the
Zutter Kutter.

Ja det var allt för idag mitt herrskap.
Hoppas det kunde locka till något köp.
'Eller till att det hamnade på någon "Att köpa lista"
Ha en toppen dag!!
That´s all for today folks.
Hope you found something fun to buy or put on the "to bu list"
Have a great day!!

~Readers gallery~

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 4:00 PM 0 comments

Velkommen til Readers gallery.
Vi gleder oss til å få vise frem kort som våre lesere har laget,
med inspirasjon fra våre artikler.

Welcome to the Readers gallery.
We are looking forward to Showcase cards our readers have made with
inspiration from our articles here at StampARTic.

Vi er så heldige at vi har fått flere flotte bidrag denne måneden
We are lucky beeing giving severals contributions this month.
Først ut er Lone som har blitt inspirert av de nydelige blomsterrankene til Petra.
Hun har laget to nydelige staffeli kort.
Lone has been inspirated by the beautiful flower stem by Petra.
She has made two georgeous easel card.

Sabina er blitt inspirert av Gry sin flotte oppskrift på nydelige mosaikk kort,
og har selv lag et vakkert kort med nydelige detaljer.

Sabina has been inspired by Gry beautiful mosaic card tutorial,
and have make a beautiful card with lovely details.

Karin har laget et nydelig vintage kort hvor hun har brukt bretteteknikken ,
som Marianne har presentert tidligere.
Karin has created a beautiful vintage cards which she has used the Folder technique
Marianne has presented earlier.

Å lage sko syntes mange var gøy,det gjorde også Inger Marie.
Hun ble så inspirert av sko oppskriften vi presenterte for noen uker siden,
 at hun lagde sin egen elegante sko.

Making shoes seemed many were fun, so did Inger Marie.
She was so inspired by the shoe tutorial, we presented a few weeks ago,
                                                    that she made her own elegant shoes.

Husk å sende oss en e-mail eller legg igjen en kommentar her hos oss, hvis du har
latt deg inspirere av en av våre artikler.
Vi gleder oss til å vise frem akkurat ditt kort eller prosjekt!

Remember to e-mail us or leave a comment, if you have been inspired
by any of our articles.
We are looking forward to show of your project in our magazine!

Stress Fractured

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 1:34 PM 0 comments
Welcome to "The Gods Are Bored," a happy hunting ground for deities who don't deserve deletion! A god who corners the whole praise and worship market is rather like a gushing oil well. Something is bound to go wrong amongst the following, and then, what a mess! You don't need to stick to the straight and narrow, but try just the narrow. It's a more pleasant path.

Whew! Was I ever stressed out yesterday! I was so grateful for all your advice. And I took it, every last bit of it except climbing the fire tower and cursing to the sky. I have done that in the past -- it is a spectacular stress-reliever -- but I wasn't near a fire tower.

I do believe my favorite stress reliever is participation in a drum circle, either by drumming or dancing, or both, or just listening. Drum beats follow the rhythms of our hearts, and drummers connect our individual hearts to a wider astral heart that we all can share. All good praise and worship teams should have drumming.

I know you'll have trouble believing this, but when I was little I soothed myself by making up stories. I would then either tell the stories to my sister or elaborate upon them in my mind. I have kept doing this my entire life, and I've pulled one novel out of the process. Either by calling Faerie, or by grounding, or by disappearing into the imagination, it is possible to beat down the sand castle of stress.

Lately I've been telling myself a story about Merlin, not making much progress with it but loving the visit with him every night.

Always and forever, however, my OxyClean of stress management is humor. When all else fails, I just throw up my hands and laugh. Then I call Puck, and we try to turn someone into a newt. (We've never succeeded. Once, when Limbaugh was the target, we gave ourselves the shingles.)

Readers, I want to thank you again for your advice. The best advice is always free! If it requires a stipend, you inevitably doubt the sincerity of the giver. Don't believe me? Look around you at your local preachers. Case closed.

Don't stress, don't stress, don't stress.

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Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 1:31 PM 0 comments
To my readers:

Please tell me your best stress reliever. You choose the situation. Or let's just say life in general.

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Tutorial - Distress & Lemon Juice

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 4:00 PM 0 comments
Distress blekk kan brukes til så mangt, og det er vel ingen hemmelighet at jeg har helt dilla på distress reinkere på mistere. Så det første teknikkurset fra ARTsy-teamet måtte bare bli en teknikk med nettopp disse mini-flaskene fra Ranger, og vi håper at dette kan inspirere dere til masse lek og mange flotte bakgrunner fremover. Teknikken er kjempe enkel, og fargene er drøye - så her er det bare fordeler og masse morro!

Distress ink can be used for so many things, and there is no secret that I just love Distress reinkers on mini-misters. And, the first tutorial from the ARTsy-team just had to involve these mini misters from Rangers, and we hope this tutorial inspires you to much fun and awesome backgrounds in the future. This technique is so easy, and the colors are lasting for several backgrounds.

Dette trenger du... / Here's what you need...

1. Mini misters from Ranger
2. 2-3 colors of Distress reinkers
3. Sicilia Lemon Juice
4. Non-stick matte
5. Varmluft pistol / Heatgun
6. Kartong ca 200-300 gr (ikke akvarell) / Cardboard approx. 200-300 gr (not watercolor paper)

Denne bakgrunnen ble til en kveld jeg satt i kroken min, og plutselig fikk det for meg at jeg skulle bruke flasken med Sicilia sitron essensen som sto ved siden av meg. Min bedre halvdel kjøpte flasken til meg da jeg var forkjølet noen uker tidligere, og det smaket helt forferdelig oppi teen min. Så etter et par uker på pulten uten at den ble flyttet, så måtte jeg altså bare prøve å bruke den opp og hvorfor ikke i hobbysammenheng... Og dermed så ble det en bakgrunnsteknikk ala Connie!

This especially technique was born one night in my corner, as I noticed a Sicilia Lemon Juice at my desk. My better half bought this for my tea a couple of weeks before, and it hadn't been moved since that. Didn't taste to good, sorry! Anyway, I just had to do something with it, and why not use it for backgrounds...?! So this is what I call a background ala Connie!

Først et tips angående blanding av reinkerne på misterne...
First a tip when it comes to reinkers and mini misters...

Bruk 2 fulle pimpetter med reinkere på flaskene, og hell så vann til det er ca 1 cm igjen til toppen. Skru på korken, og den er klar til bruk...

Use 2 full pimpettes with reinkers on the mini misters, and add water until there is approx 1 cm left to the top...

For litt glitter, så kan du godt ha i litt perfect pearls. Men det skal ikke mye til, ellers tetter flasken seg.

If you want som glitter, add some perfect pearls. But, be aware that you must only add a little bit, as the bottle clogs easily.

Først må du kutte til bakgrunnskartongen i ønsket størrelse, og her er det viktig at du ikke bruker akvarellpapir. Jeg har brukt ustrukturert kartong 270 gr fra Papirgalleriet/Norway Design, men det finnes masse forskjellige typer ark som kan benyttes. Prøv deg frem!

First of all, cut your cardboard to the size you wish to use. Do not use watercolor paper, as this paper absorbes to much color. I have used a cardboard without structure 270 gr from Papirgalleriet/Norway design, but there is so many different paper that can be used. Testing makes perfect!

Jeg har brukt fargene "broken china", "peeled paint" og "dusty concord". Spray en og en farge på bakgrunnskartongen, og dekk hele biten. Det er samme hvilken farge du begynner med!

I have used the colors "broken china", "peeled paint" and "dusty concord". Use one and one color, and it's not important witch you beginn with. Your whole cardboard must be covered with inks.

Jeg gjør alltid dette på en non-stick matte, slik at jeg ikke søler til hele skrivebordet mitt. Det skal nemlig være temmelig vått for at du skal få full effekt med sitron essensen. Drypp en og en dråpe med sitron på bakgrunnen, og du skal få en "blending solution&alkoholblekk"-effekt.

I always do this on a non-stick matt, as the cardboard must be covered allover with the inks. Otherwise, you will not get the right effect. Dripp one and one drop of Lemonjuice over the cardboard and you will get a "blending solution&alcholhol ink"-effect.

Tørk deretter med en varmluftpistol for enda bedre effekt. / Use your heatgun to dry the background, and you will see even more effects.

Tilslutt så tørker jeg alltid det overføldige blekket bort med tørkepapir, så det ikke tar evigheter å tørke. / At last I use tissue to remove rest of the inks on the sides.

Tørket bakgrunn som er klar til bruk. / Dry background ready for use.

Connie's card

Charlotte's card

Lisette's card

Inger's card

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