Hollywood Loves Us

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 6:17 PM
Welcome to "The Gods Are Bored," your instant cure for the Monday Morning Blues!

Okay, I know. Yeah. Even TGAB can't cure the Monday Morning Blues. But we do try.

My Sunday afternoon options were two: get groceries or go to the movies. Wow. That was a tough call. The Spare and I went to see Avatar in 3-D.

I had to drag The Spare. She doesn't like science fiction. For that matter, I don't either. Unless it has an underlying message that is anti-corporation, anti-missionary, and pro-Goddess. For the love of fruit flies, Avatar delivers on all fronts! No wonder it has so many right-wing pundits foaming at the mouth!

Do movies influence the way we look at the world?

I'm old enough to remember the very first Star Wars movie. I was a teenager when it came out in 1975. I remember seeing Obi-Won Kenobi in his brown robe with his Wisdom of the World demeanor, and at that moment I began to question the status quo. To this day, when I'm at the end of my rope, I say, "Help us, Obi-Won Kenobi. You're our only hope."

To that famous quote I will now add: All hail Ewah. Long may She reign. Let us be kind to our own Rock, and to the Rocks of others.

I'm Anne Johnson, and I approve Hollywood's liberal bias.

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