Fridays with Twain: Restoring Honor

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 11:15 AM
Two of my dear old aunties got Alzheimer's Disease, and sometimes that makes me worried. I'm already showing a scary tendency to get stuck in the middle of a sentence, unable to finish a thought because I can't find the correct (simple) word.

Let all morbid thoughts be banished! Now. What was I talking about?

Oh yeah! I promised that, in response to Keith Olbermann's "Fridays with Thurber," I would start posting witty literature here at "The Gods Are Bored" every Friday night so that you could sleep through my blog instead of Keith's bedtime tales.

Here's a nice little snippet from Mark Twain that aptly sums up my opinion of Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" campaign.

I have a religion--but you will call it blasphemy. It is that there is a God for the rich man but none for the poor.....Perhaps your religion will sustain you,will feed you--I place no dependence in mine. Our religions are alike, though, in one respect--neither can make a man happy when he is out of luck.
- Letter to Orion Clemens, 10/19-20/1865

Pray and grow rich! It's the American way.

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