Jeg vil starte med en liten tutorial, for dere som ikke har testet denne teknikken ennå, eller om du bare trenger en liten oppfriskning.
Det du trenger for å sette i gang, er akvarellpapir, Distressfarger, her har jeg valgt ”Fadet Jeans”, og ”Dusty Concord”, svamper, og vann.
There are so many beautiful patterned papers to choose from, so sometimes we forget that we can make our own backgrounds as well. Another thing we often forget, at least I do, is our men. No, not the actual man, but cards that will suite a man, doesn’t go along with our cute images, and wonderful papers. A card for a man doesn’t have to be all ruff and tuff it can just as well be harmonic and elegant. We have used the good and old Distress “rub and splash” technique, and made some card for your inspiration. These are cards that will suite both men and women.
I will start with a tutorial for those of you who haven’t tried this jet, or if you just need a reminder.
What you need to get going is aquarelle paper, Distress Ink, I have chosen the colures “faded jeans” and “Dusty concord”, sponges and water.
Mange starter på midten av arket når de lager Distress bakgrunner. Jeg liker å begynne i ytterkanten av papiret. Jeg fyller svampen med blekk, og drar fargen inn mot midten. Da vil fargen automatisk bli mørkest rundt kanten, og helt lys inn mot midten.
Jeg begynner med den blå fargen, og lar det stå igjen litt plass til den lilla fargen.
I know many of you will start in the middle of the sheet when you make Distress backgrounds. I like to start on the edges. I fill the sponge with ink, and rub the ink from the edges, and in against the center of the paper. Then the colure will be dark on the edges, and lighter in the middle.
I start with the blue, and leave some space for the purpur colure.
Så gjør jeg det samme med lilla Distress, og lar fargene overlappe hverandre.
Then I do the same with “Dusty concord”, and let the two colures blend.
Her har jeg jevnet ut fargen med litt mer blått, til jeg ble Fornøyd.
Men fortvil ikke om det ikke ser helt jevnt ut. Med litt vannsprut, motiver og tekst, vil det se helt flott ut når du er ferdig med kortet ditt.
Now I have added a little more of the blue, but don’t worry if it doesn’t look all smooth. When you add water, images and text, your result will look just great.
Hvor mye vann du vil bruke, bestemmer du selv. Om du bruker en fin mist, vil du få et jevnt mønster. Om du dypper fingrene i vann, og spruter dråper på kortet, vil du få større og mer markerte flekker. Jeg har valgt å sprute dråper på min bakgrunn. Uansett hva du velger, må du huske å la det tørke godt før du fortsetter med kortet ditt.
How much water you want to use, is up to you. If you use a fine mist, you will get a fine and smooth pattern. If you dip your fingers in water, and add water drops to your background, you will get bigger spots. I have used my fingers on my card. Remember always to let it dry up, before you continue your card. Det var bakgrunnen.
Jeg har en ide om hvordan kortet mitt skal se ut, og begynner med å stemple en lys bord på den ene siden. Til motivstempelet har jeg brukt Stazon - Midnight blue.
I have decided how I want my card to turn out, and I start with a light border on the left side. I have used Stazon – Midnight blue, for the image.
For the butterflies, I have used the same Distress colures I used for the background. For the text I have used black ink.
Noen swirler i hjørnene, så er jeg klar til å montere kortet.
For the straws in the front, I have used Perfect Pearls. It doesn’t show in the picture, but it sparkle. I add some swirls in the corners, and now I`m ready to mount my card.
Now my card is all done. I didn’t want to use any decoration, I think all the different stamps are decoration enough.
Håper dere finner litt inspirasjon her, og at vi får se mange Distress kort fra dere fremover.
Here are some cards, made the same way.
We hope you found some inspiration in this article, and that you will make a lot of Distress card in the time to come.
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