Glimmermist Tutorial

Posted by Princess Eva Angelica On 3:01 PM

Aija, Marianne, Carola, SasSa og Jorunn har lekt litt med glimmer mist i det siste. Hele prosjektet startet med en samtale om disse interessante flaskene som vi alle hadde, men var ikke helt sikker på bruken. Under samtalen kom det snart frem at vi alle hadde ulike idèer om hvordan de kunne brukes og vi bestemte oss for å lage en artikkel sammen, for å vise dere våre idèer- Kanskje dette vil hjelpe deg til å komme i gang med dine ubrukte flasker, eller om du er allerede godt i gang gi deg nye idèer? Og har du idèer til bruksområder som ikke er med i artikkelen her, så nøl ikke med å sende os en e-mail.... kanskje får du din egen artikkel på trykk i StampARTic!

Aija, Marianne, Carola, SasSa and Jorunn have been playing around with glimmer mist these last day. The whole project started with a conversation about this intriguing bottle of glimmer mist, that we all had but was not quite sure how to use it. During the conversation we realized we all several ideas on how to put them to use, and we decided to stick our heads together and show you our ideas and maybe help you started on those bottles, or perhaps give you new ideas.
And please, if you have more ways and creative ideas and projects that we have not thought off, e-mail us and let us know. You might even get your own article with StampARTic!

First out is Aija;
I would like to show you some examples what you can do with the glimmer mist. It is a great decoration tool for many projects. Here is used glimmer mist and screens:

You put the screen on the paper and mist with glimmer all over. If you do not like the spots you can wipe the surface with tissue paper to get even and smooth look. When you have taken the screen off the paper you can use the screen again putting it on to another paper. This way you will not loose any of your mist. And you can get a different kind of images also.

When using different kind of papers you can create very beautiful layouts.

Here is more examples how you can use screens:

Here is used two different colors of mist, white and gold:

If you use plastic covering the area where you are working, you can wipe the mist which is gone over the paper edges. This way you can get exciting pieces of decorated paper and have a full advantage of the mist.

Here you can see the papers decorated with screens:

And here some finished projects:

With glimmer mist and screen you can alter many kinds of projects very easily and have very effective decorations.


Marianne`s historie ~ Marianne's story...

Jeg og Glimmer mistene mine er ikke akkurat bestevenner. Når StampARTic skulle lage denne artikkelen, tenkte jeg at dette var en god mulighet til å få testet dem skikkelig, og kanskje bli like glad i dem som "alle" andre er. I tre dager lekte (..eller sloss..) jeg med Glimmermistene. Jeg startet med godt mot, denne gangen skulle jeg virkelig klare det!! Jeg skulle lage de mest fantastiske bakgrunner!!!

Jeg dekket til kjøkkenets bord og benker med billig kopipapir, så ikke hele kjøkkenet skulle glitre når jeg var ferdig, og satte i gang. Så langt alt vel. Jeg brukte Glimmermistene på alle mulige måter, og på alle typer papir jeg kunne finne. Her skulle intet være uprøvd. Om resultatet ble fantastisk? neeeiii! Jeg lot alt tørke, og sprayet videre....fortsatt ikke fantastisk! Faktisk laaangt fra fantastisk!

Da alt var tørt, og jeg skulle begynne å rydde alt vekk (langt vekk), gjorde jeg en oppdagelse. Jeg så at papiret jeg hadde brukt til å dekke til benkene, faktisk så langt bedre ut enn de arkene jeg hadde jobbet så lenge med!!! Så hva gjør en stakkar? Jo jeg laget noen små 4"/4" kort med dette papiret som egentlig skulle gått rett i søpla.

Så her er mitt lille budskap til dere alle: Om ting ikke går nøyaktig som planlagt, så kan det bli noe fint ut av det allikevel. Og se alltid nøye gjenom ting før du kaster det, det kan være matrialer til et riktig fint kort du er i ferd med å kaste. Her er mine tre små kort.

My Glimmer mists and I are not the best friends, but with this Glimmer mist article, I thought this was my chance to get to love these bottles of glimmer, like everyone else does.
For three days I played (…hmm, it was more like fighting…) with my Glimmer mists. I was in a good mode when I started, this time I should make it happen!! I was going to make the most amazing backgrounds! I covered up my kitchen tables with cheap copy paper, so my whole kitchen would not glimmer when I was done. So far, so good. I used the mists in all thinkable ways, and on every type of paper I could find. If the results was amazing? Noooo!!! I let it dry, used some more glimmer…..still not amazing! Far from it!

When everything was dry, I started to clean up, and stash everything away, and then I noticed that the papers I had used to cover up my tables, actually looked better then the papers I had worked so hard on ( you are allowed to laugh) . So I took my cover papers, and I made some small 4”/4” cards with them!

So this is my message to all of you: If everything doesn’t go exactly as you planned, it can still turn out just fine. And remember always to take a careful look at things, before you throw it away. It could be materials for a pretty card in there. Here are my three small cards.

Noen av de papirene jeg jobbet, med ble OK, og her er kortene jeg laget av dem. På dette første kortet har jeg sprayet en enkel bakgrunn, og så har jeg brukt Glimmermist direkte på stemplene. Både rosen og swirlen er laget på den måten.

Some of my real backgrounds turned out OK, and here are the cards that I made with those backgrounds.
On this card I first made a simple background. Then I used the Glimmer mist directly on my rubber stamps. Both rose and swirl are made that way.

På de to siste kortene har jeg brukt en plastikk duk/brikke, og sprayet med Glimmermist i forskjellige farger.

On my two last cards, I have used a plastic table-cloth and Glimmer mists in different colors.

Carolas tips
I love my Glimmer mist who I uses to make a glimmer on my cards. So at first I hesitated to make something to this article. But during the weekend I did find in my collection of materials my old dry embossing stencils. From that came the idea that I could try them in this project.
Here you see some of the materials I used in my project. The stencil and a glue to make the stencil sticky so it stays on it place when you spray Glimmermist onto the paper. But before Glimmer mist I used my Distress Inks to color the paper.
After the paper had dried I turned the stencil on to the other side of the paper so I could dry- emboss the paper.
Here you see the finished card.

Jorunn' s tips:
Jeg har brukt glimmermist på pynt eller dekorasjoner til kort.
Kanskje har du ikke akkurat den fargenyansen du trenger på pyntet ditt, eller kanskje trenger du bare det lille ekstra.

I`ve used glimmer mist on decorations to cards. Maybe you don`t have embellishments in the exact nuance you need, or maybe you just need the extra sparkle. Glimmer mist can help you with that.

Først har jeg gitt noen vanlige papir blomster en dusj med glimmer mist.
Jeg har brukt vintage pink og coffe shop på blomstrene lengst til venstre, i midten har jeg brukt sandy beach og coffe shop på kantene. Blomtrene lengst til høyre er i sin opprinnelige form.

First off I have given some regular paper flowers a spray with glimmer mist.
On the pair to the left I have used vintage pink and added coffee shop at the edges. On the ones in the middle I have used sandy beach and coffee shop on the edges. The pair on the right is the paper flowers in its original form.

Jeg liker også å forsterke effekten med å legge et lag med glossy accent på de, etter at de er sprayet med glimmer mist. Her ser dere to ulike varianter av det.
Du kan glasere hele blomsten slik som til venstre i bildet eller du kan lage duggdråper/regndråper slik som til høyre i bildet. slik ser de ut før de tørker.
Tørke tiden er lang, så det kan være lurt å lage opp noen eksemplar når man først er i gang.

I also like to in hence the effect by adding glossy accent after I have sprayed the flowers with glimmer mist. Here is to different ways of doing that.
You can glaze the entire flower like you see on the left, or you can add raindrops like I did on the flowers to the right. It takes a long time for the glossy accent to dry, so it might be a good idea to make more so you have for another occasion. This is how it looks before it has dried.

Her er blomsten ferdig glasert og klar til kort.
Here is the flower all glazed up and ready to go on a card.

Chipboards går også fint å pynte med glimmermist. Jeg liker først å gi chipboardene et strøk med maling, her har jeg brukt Crackle paint. Deretter har jeg sprayet med glimmer mist vintage pink.

Chip boards are also great to give a little spray with glimmer mist. First I always give the chip boards a coat of paint. Here I have used Crackle paint, before spraying with glimmer mist vintage pink.

Du kan også gjøre det samme med blomster eller andre former du trykker ut selv med ulike stanseverktøy. Her er en retro flower som er trykt ut i bazzill, gitt ett strøk med crackle paint og så sprayet med vintage pink og litt coffee shop på kantene.

You can also do this on shapes from your punches or other die cutting tools. Here I have used my retro flower punch on bazzill card stock, added some crackle paint and sprayed it with glimmer mist, vintage pink and then with Coffee shop at the edges.

Her ser dere mitt ferdige kort med dekorasjoner sprayet med glimmer mist;
Here is my card finished with embellishments sprayed with glimmer mist;

SasSa´s tutorial ~ How to make your own glimmer mist:

First of all not all have the glimmer mist but there are ways of doing that yourself.

Here´s one way... One scoop of Perfect pearls from Ranger I used the color Perfect pearl for this.. in a spray bottle of water.

Got the color Perfect pearl from a friend thats way I don´t have that container..
A couple of drops of Distress refill. I used Broken China for this.
For this bottle I used 5 drops.
Shake well and ready to use. Works as good as the Glimmer mists.
If you don´t have Perfekt pearl you maybe have Opalite refill... They work too if you want to make glimmer mist. A couple of drops of Opalite Golden Mist in a spraybottle with water and then maybe some color. Any distressrefill you like. Also a couple of drops.
Then I also made a card. Layed three butterflies on a photopaper and sprayed it with mist.
Used that for a background for my card.
Here´s the finnished card.


Vi håper du fikk med deg noen gode tips og idèer til dine egne prosjekter med glimmer mist, og har du andre idèer så ta gjerne kontakt med oss.

We hope this left you with some tips and ideas for your own glimmer mist projects, and if you have other tips and ideas we would love to hear from you.

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