
Det nærmer seg vår med stormskritt og med våren kommer de mange messene rundt omkring i Skandinavia. Sverige er nettopp ferdig med en i Gøteborg og i Norge ser en helt ny messe snart dagens lys.
Det er Scraporama går av stabelen i Norge 21. og 22. mars 2009., Exporama, Hellerud.
Det er den norske stempelprodusenten Scrapmagasinet som er hoved arrangøren av messen, vi har tatt en kaffi og en prat med de to damene som har hovedansvaret, Lisbet og Camilla;
* Hvordan kom idèen med en ny messe på bordet? Det var Lisbet fra Scrapmagasinet som tok kontakt først. Messeabstinensen meldte seg når tanken på en messeløs vår var rett rundt hjørnet. Messe er en viktig begivenhet for begge sider av disken. En Pm til Camilla sendt samme kveld resulterte i et ja ;)
* Var veien lang mellom idè og virkelighet? Nei egentlig ikke. Våre messebånd var jo grunnen knytt før fødsel kjennes det ut som. Vi hadde stor tro på prosjektet og etter en særdeles kort lodding av stemningen var vi i gang. Fra fødsel til tenåring gikk vel på rund ei uke;).
* Hva skiller denne messa fra andre messer vi ser og leser om rundt om i landet?
Det vet vi jo ikke enda, vi er jo ferske i gamet.,… men vi arrangerer stortreff i tillegg til messen, vegg i vegg. Ellers mener vi jo selv at tråden i messen vår er at vi er profesjonelle. Vi vil jo at både besøkende og forhandlere skal sitte igjen med et godt inntrykk av oss.
* Hvordan er responsen fra butikker og stempelprodusenter, har de vært positive til en ny messe?
Mange gledet seg sammen med oss i utviklingsfasen og sendte mailer før det i det hele tatt var klart om det ble messe eller ikke. Vi skulle jo selvsagt ønsket at enda flere ble med på festen, men det er forskjellige årsaker til at alt ikke kan passe for alle. Og vi kan vel nesten allerede nå si at Scraporama har kommet for å bli i en eller annen form. Så en ny sjanse vil melde seg for de som ikke hadde mulighet for å delta denne gangen
* Er det nye produsenter og butikker som kommer til messen med stand?
Vi har jo på en måte ingen gammel ”liste” å forholde oss til. De aller fleste butikkene er kjent for noen i en eller annen sammenheng. Men en helt fersk stempelprodusent blant oss har vi, med sin aller første messestand hos oss. Nemmelig Shorty`n`friends
* Blir det gode messetilbud for besøkende som dere vet om nå? Eller blir prisene det samme som i nettbutikker? Som arrangør kan ikke vi bestemme at forhandlere skal ha salg. Men erfaring fra andre messer forteller oss at det kommer frem noen riktig så gode kjøp.
* kommer det til å bli holdt kurs eller tutorials på messen?
Vi har oppfordret butikkene til å holde demos og Make`n`takes ”lokalt” på sine stand. I tilegg er det satt opp kurser begge dager. Du kan lese litt mer om kursene i bloggen vår.
* Dere nevnte også at det skal være et stortreff i forbindelse med messen, fortell litt om det...
Stortreffet gleder vi oss veldig til. Det er jo som et vanlig treff men med handlegaten rett utenfor døren.
Man må løse egen billett til Stortreffet, den koster 400,-
Stortreffet holdes i eget rom med direkte adgang til messeområdet, rommet åpnes en halv time før messen slik at du rekker å komme deg i orden før det braker løs. Om du må hvile slitne ben eller skaperlysten tar overhånd finner du bare plassen din og sitter så lenge du synes det er nødvendig for å være klar for en ny runde i messeområdet. Salen er åpen under hele messens åpningstid i tilegg til nattscrapp lørdag til ca 24.00
Treffbilletten inkluderer:
• Din egen scrappeplass hele helgen
• Inngang lørdag og søndag
• Trekninger på inngangsbillettene
• Te, kaffe og vann
• Matservering lørdag
Husk å ha med skjæreunderlag og innesko om du liker å tasse rundt ;)
* Hvor mange besøkende regner dere med vil komme innom Exporama denne helgen?
Her kan vi jo bare gjette.
Tidligere messer har vel hatt mellom 2-3000 besøkende på to fartsfylte dager. Dette er jo selvsagt ingenting vi kan love, men vi sitter med en god følelse. Fullstendig tall vil komme etter messen.
*Hvor kan vi finne mer informasjon om Scraporamamessen?
Det er lett som bare det, stikk innom bloggen vår på
Her finner du info om forhandlere, kursholder, kurs og bestilling av disse, i tilegg til hvordan man kommer seg dit og åpningstider.
Velkommen skal dere være alle sammen!


Spring is coming on soon, and along with spring the big trade fairs are coming too. In Norway a brand new one is opening their doors for the very first time; Scraporama on March 21st og 22nd 2009., in Exporama, Hellerud.
It is the Norwegian rubber stamp manufacture Scrapmagasinet that is arranging this big event. We have met the to ladies, Lisbet and Camilla, that are the heart and soul behind this trade fair for a coffee and a nice chat;
*How did the idea of a new trade fair in Norway come about? It was Lisbet from Scrapmagasinet that first came up with the idea. The very thought of a spring without a trade fair, didn`t sit well with her, and she went into abstinence. Trade fairs are very important to both the stores and the customers, it is a 2 way street. A message was sent to Camilla, and Lisbet got her approve on that same evening.
*Was it a long road between the first idea to the trade fair actually happening? No, not really. We where tide together by previously trade fairs experience, and we both had great believes in this new trade fair right from the start. It took about a week from the idea was born, till it was a "teenager" ;)
*What makes this trade fair any different from the other trade fairs in Norway? We really don`t know that yet... we are pretty new at this...but we are hosting a big crop in the very next room off the trade fair. We also think we have a very professional attitude towards this, and we want both our visitors and the stores to get a good impression of us.
*How is the response from the stores? Are they happy that a new trade fair? Many of them shared our happiness with Scraporama, and they started to e-mail us even before it was all settled that the trade fair was taking place. Of course we would have loved it if even more could join us, but because of different reasons not everyone could join us this weekend. We think it is safe to say, that Scraporama is here to stay, so there will be more opportunities to join us later on.
*Are there any new stores or manufactures that are coming to the trade fair? Since we are brand new, we have no "old" list of stores or manufactures. Most of the stores are known to most of our visitors one way or another. But a brand new stamp manufacture is joining us, for her very first trade fair ever, "shorty 'n' friends"
*Will there be some great bargains for the visitors as you know of, or will the price be as they are in the online stores? We have no saying in the prices the stores are charging, but every experience from other trade fairs tells us that there probably will be some good bargains to find.
*Would there be any tutorials or classes to take? We encourage the stores to have make 'n' takes, and there are classes set up. You can learn more about the classes in the Scraporama blog.
*You mentioned the big crop earlier. Tell us a little more about that. The big crop we really look forward to. It is like a regular crop, but with a shopping street right outside the door. There is a fee for attending the crop, besides the trade fair, NOK 400.- The crop is held in a room with entrance directly to the trade fair. The doors to the crop opens half an hour before the trade fair, so have time to get settled in, before you go shopping. If you later on need to rest tired legs, or you just get the urge to create, you can just go straight from the trade fair and into the crop room and find your space and stay there for as long as you wish. The crop room is open as long as the trade fair is open, and Saturday it is night crop that last until midnight.
A crop ticket includes;
* Your own scrap place throughout the entire weekend.
* Entrance both days.
* Random drawing of prizes on the crop ticket.
* Thee, coffee and water
*Food on Saturday.
Remember to bring a cutting math and some inside shoes if you like to walk around during a crop.
*How many visitors do you think will stop by Exporama this weekend?
We can only guess, but other trade fairs have had 2-3 000 visitors on two days with high speed. We can not promise the exact same numbers, but we have a good gut feeling. Exact numbers will be published on our blog after the crop.
*Where can we find more information about the Scraporama?
Oh that is easy, just stop by our blog at: http://scraporama2009.blogspot.com You`ll find more information about the stores, the classes and signing up for them, how to get there and when the trade is open.

Vil den sende oss din adresse til stampartic@gmail.com og vi vil sende deg den flotte premien fra
Askartelu Sinisiipi
It is the Norwegian rubber stamp manufacture Scrapmagasinet that is arranging this big event. We have met the to ladies, Lisbet and Camilla, that are the heart and soul behind this trade fair for a coffee and a nice chat;
*How did the idea of a new trade fair in Norway come about? It was Lisbet from Scrapmagasinet that first came up with the idea. The very thought of a spring without a trade fair, didn`t sit well with her, and she went into abstinence. Trade fairs are very important to both the stores and the customers, it is a 2 way street. A message was sent to Camilla, and Lisbet got her approve on that same evening.
*Was it a long road between the first idea to the trade fair actually happening? No, not really. We where tide together by previously trade fairs experience, and we both had great believes in this new trade fair right from the start. It took about a week from the idea was born, till it was a "teenager" ;)
*What makes this trade fair any different from the other trade fairs in Norway? We really don`t know that yet... we are pretty new at this...but we are hosting a big crop in the very next room off the trade fair. We also think we have a very professional attitude towards this, and we want both our visitors and the stores to get a good impression of us.
*How is the response from the stores? Are they happy that a new trade fair? Many of them shared our happiness with Scraporama, and they started to e-mail us even before it was all settled that the trade fair was taking place. Of course we would have loved it if even more could join us, but because of different reasons not everyone could join us this weekend. We think it is safe to say, that Scraporama is here to stay, so there will be more opportunities to join us later on.
*Are there any new stores or manufactures that are coming to the trade fair? Since we are brand new, we have no "old" list of stores or manufactures. Most of the stores are known to most of our visitors one way or another. But a brand new stamp manufacture is joining us, for her very first trade fair ever, "shorty 'n' friends"
*Will there be some great bargains for the visitors as you know of, or will the price be as they are in the online stores? We have no saying in the prices the stores are charging, but every experience from other trade fairs tells us that there probably will be some good bargains to find.
*Would there be any tutorials or classes to take? We encourage the stores to have make 'n' takes, and there are classes set up. You can learn more about the classes in the Scraporama blog.
*You mentioned the big crop earlier. Tell us a little more about that. The big crop we really look forward to. It is like a regular crop, but with a shopping street right outside the door. There is a fee for attending the crop, besides the trade fair, NOK 400.- The crop is held in a room with entrance directly to the trade fair. The doors to the crop opens half an hour before the trade fair, so have time to get settled in, before you go shopping. If you later on need to rest tired legs, or you just get the urge to create, you can just go straight from the trade fair and into the crop room and find your space and stay there for as long as you wish. The crop room is open as long as the trade fair is open, and Saturday it is night crop that last until midnight.
A crop ticket includes;
* Your own scrap place throughout the entire weekend.
* Entrance both days.
* Random drawing of prizes on the crop ticket.
* Thee, coffee and water
*Food on Saturday.
Remember to bring a cutting math and some inside shoes if you like to walk around during a crop.
*How many visitors do you think will stop by Exporama this weekend?
We can only guess, but other trade fairs have had 2-3 000 visitors on two days with high speed. We can not promise the exact same numbers, but we have a good gut feeling. Exact numbers will be published on our blog after the crop.
*Where can we find more information about the Scraporama?
Oh that is easy, just stop by our blog at: http://scraporama2009.blogspot.com You`ll find more information about the stores, the classes and signing up for them, how to get there and when the trade is open.
Welcome to Scraporama!
Vinneren av skisse utfordringen
The Winner of the Sketch Challenge
Vinneren av skisse utfordringen
The Winner of the Sketch Challenge
Fristen for å lever bidrag til skisseutfordringen vår gikk ut ved midnatt.
Vi har i DT`et stemt frem en vinner, og også denne gangen var det utrolig vanskelig!
Så mange nydelige kort og flotte versjoner av skissen ble levert. Vi er helt overveldet av alle de nydelige bidragene som kom inn. Tusen takk til alle som deltok.
Men etter at alle stemmmene var talt opp så gikk ....
PAPIRDILLA av med seieren med dette fantastiske vakre kortet;
The deadline for entering into our sketch challenge was at midnight.
We in the DT have voted for a winner this time, and it was really hard to find a winner amongs all those wonderful and beautiful cards you have entered! We are overwhelmed with your creativity and the beauty in all the cards. Thank you so much everyone for participating.
After all the votes had been counted it was.....
PAPIRDILLA that won the challenge with this amazing card....
Vi har i DT`et stemt frem en vinner, og også denne gangen var det utrolig vanskelig!
Så mange nydelige kort og flotte versjoner av skissen ble levert. Vi er helt overveldet av alle de nydelige bidragene som kom inn. Tusen takk til alle som deltok.
Men etter at alle stemmmene var talt opp så gikk ....
PAPIRDILLA av med seieren med dette fantastiske vakre kortet;
The deadline for entering into our sketch challenge was at midnight.
We in the DT have voted for a winner this time, and it was really hard to find a winner amongs all those wonderful and beautiful cards you have entered! We are overwhelmed with your creativity and the beauty in all the cards. Thank you so much everyone for participating.
After all the votes had been counted it was.....
PAPIRDILLA that won the challenge with this amazing card....
Gratulerer ~Congratulation
Vil den sende oss din adresse til stampartic@gmail.com og vi vil sende deg den flotte premien fra
Askartelu Sinisiipi
Husk å stoppe innom oss i morgen, for en ny og spennende utfordring!
Remember to stop by tomorrow for a new and fun challenge!
Remember to stop by tomorrow for a new and fun challenge!
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