Kaikki lähti siitä, kun me ( Annikki ja Kaitsu ) aloimme miettiä, olisiko meistä yrittäjiksi. Toisella oli maahantuonnin ja toisella pankkialan kokemusta. Kumpikin aika jämptejä tyyppejä ja kotonakin suhteellisen siistiä :)
Monesta vaihtoehdosta valitsimme lahjatavaroiden maahantuonnin ja hyppäsimme "tyhjyyteen" vuonna 1989. Saimme aika nopeasti aikaan mukavan pikku valikoiman, jolla aloitimme tyydyttävällä menestyksellä. Kuinka ollakaan, lama alkoi heti seuraavana vuonna ja mihinkäs se nyt sitten ensimmäisenä iskee: no lahjatavarakauppaan tietysti.Olimme kuitenkin vierailleet edellisenä vuonna Annikin veljen Jussin luona Seattlessa USA:ssa ja sikäläisistä tavarataloista ja erikoiskaupoista tarttui mm. askartelutarvikkeita mukaan lasten iloksi.
Muuan tuoteryhmä ( kohovärit ) jäi erityisesti mieleen ja tässä aika hankalassa tilanteessa päätimme kysellä alan liikkeiltä, mitä he niistä ajattelivat. Mielenkiintoa riitti ja sitäpaitsi kilpailutilanne oli sellainen, että pientä haastetta tarvittiin kuulemma muutenkin alan tukkukauppaan. Otimme haasteen vastaan ja noin 100:n tuotenimikkeen alkuasetelmasta ollaan näinä vuosina sitten edetty noin 4000 nimikkeen valikoimaan.
Vuonna 2005 meidät valittiin Vuoden Yrittäjiksi Hattulassa, joka osoittaa, että yrityksen kehitys on ollut hyvin myönteinen.
Tukkumyynti on aina ollut peruskivemme, mutta koska askartelualan erikoisliikkeitä on aika vähän Suomessa - varsinkin syrjäseuduilla - päätimme vuonna 2006 avata myös verkkokaupan suomalaisille kuluttajille.Tuotevalikoimamme palvelee kaikentyyppisiä askartelijoita. Lisäämme tuotteita valikoimaan aika maltillisesti, jotta asiat pysyvät hallinnassa. Olemmekin saaneet paljon myönteistä palautetta hyvästä toimitusvalmiudestamme.
Olet aina tervetullut hakemaan ideoita Inspiraatiogalleriastamme http://www.donno.fi/inspiraatio/. Kaikki askartelijat saavat toteuttaa sieltä saatuja vinkkejä täysin vapaasti. Toivotamme kaikille inspiroivaa kevättalvea!
Today we present you one of our finnish sponsors Donno. First we give floor to Annikki and Kaitsu. Here is presentation about their shop and how all begunn.
It all started when we ( Annikki and Kaj ) started thinking if we would be able to set up a company of our own. Kaj had a ot of experience in imports and Annikki had been working behind the bank desk for a long time. Both were pretty organized and also our home was quite tidy, if you know what I mean:)
From many choises we picked up Imports of Gift Items and jumped into "emptiness" 1989. In a short time we had a nice little collection which was selling pretty good.The next year was, however, a disaster. The regression crawled to Finland and people just stopped to buy gifts in lack of work and money.Luckily we had visited Annikki´s brother Jussi in Seattle USA the same year we started our business .
During our many shopping tours we found interesting craft supplies for our kids. Among them was a very nice product - dimensional paint for textiles - which we then introduced to selected craft shops in Finland. They all said that it was a unique product - which is always a good thing. Many also told us that they would want to see some competition in the market where one big wholesaler was dominating. We took the challenge and started with 100 items and are now stocking about 4000 items.
We were chosen as entrepeneurs of the year 2005 in our commune which shows that the development has been very positive during these years.Wholesale has always been our basic business.
In 2006 we opened our own web shop for the finnish consumers because there are not too many pure craft shops in Finland to serve the consumers especially in the hinterlands.Our assortment is serving all kind of crafters. We add new products moderately to be sure that things are in a good control. We have also received a lot of positive response on our good and fast service.
From many choises we picked up Imports of Gift Items and jumped into "emptiness" 1989. In a short time we had a nice little collection which was selling pretty good.The next year was, however, a disaster. The regression crawled to Finland and people just stopped to buy gifts in lack of work and money.Luckily we had visited Annikki´s brother Jussi in Seattle USA the same year we started our business .
During our many shopping tours we found interesting craft supplies for our kids. Among them was a very nice product - dimensional paint for textiles - which we then introduced to selected craft shops in Finland. They all said that it was a unique product - which is always a good thing. Many also told us that they would want to see some competition in the market where one big wholesaler was dominating. We took the challenge and started with 100 items and are now stocking about 4000 items.
We were chosen as entrepeneurs of the year 2005 in our commune which shows that the development has been very positive during these years.Wholesale has always been our basic business.
In 2006 we opened our own web shop for the finnish consumers because there are not too many pure craft shops in Finland to serve the consumers especially in the hinterlands.Our assortment is serving all kind of crafters. We add new products moderately to be sure that things are in a good control. We have also received a lot of positive response on our good and fast service.
You are always welcome to search new ideas from our Inspiration Gallery http://www.donno.fi/inspiraatio/ ( it´s only in finnish but the pictures are international, of course ). Click on the pictures in the gallery and you will see more ideas. It´s free for all and we hope you´ll enjoy it. We wish you an inspiring spring time !
Kun aloitimme tämän artikkelin suunnitelun yhteistyössä Donnon kanssa, Kaj pyysi meitä katsomaan heidän kauppansa valikoimaa ja kertomaan, löytyisikö sieltä meitä kiinnostavia tuotteita artikkelia varten. Kaupan valikoimiin kuuluu paljon ihania askartelutuotteita ja selailtuamme kaupan tarjontaa tuli mieleemme ajatus, että voisimme tehdä korttien lisäksi pieniä lahjoja, joita voisi antaa korttien mukana. Mahtavia ja mielenkiintoisia tuotteita olisi ollut vaikka kuinka paljon, ja valinta ei ollut helppo. Tässä valitsemamme tuotteet, eli kuva paketista, jonka Donno lähetti suomalaisille stampARTic tiimiläisille; Aijalle, Carolalle ja Miialle työstettäväksi. Paketti sisälsi kuviopapereita, magneettilevyä, magneettinappeja, kännykkäkoruja, pinssipohjia, valmiiksi kuvioituja korttipohjia sekä pahvisen rasian.
When we started to plan this article with Donno, Kaj asked us to look, what products they have in their shop, and what products we would like to make article with.
There were so many great and interesting products, so it wasn´t easy to choose. But we had soon ideas, that we could make cards but also something else, maybe little gifts to give with cards. Here is photo of products what our finnish Dt members Aija, Carola and Miia got to play with. Package included patterned papers, magnetic canvas, little magnetic circles, pins, phone decorations, box, and patterned cards.
There were so many great and interesting products, so it wasn´t easy to choose. But we had soon ideas, that we could make cards but also something else, maybe little gifts to give with cards. Here is photo of products what our finnish Dt members Aija, Carola and Miia got to play with. Package included patterned papers, magnetic canvas, little magnetic circles, pins, phone decorations, box, and patterned cards.
And what our DT´s made with those products??
Beautiful card and decorated box
Pins and phone decorations
Card, girl and heart with text are magnets

The rose are a magnet


Card and box
Pins and phone decorations

Kiitos Annikki ja Kaitsu Donnon mahtavasta DT paketista,jonka saimme. Oli hauskaa kokeilla jotain uutta ja pidimme kaikista tuotteistanne! Toivottavasti myös te lukijat inspiroiduitte artikkelistamme...Te kaikki olette luovia!!
Mahtavaa viikkoa kaikille!
Thank you so much Donno for the great DT package we got to play with! It was fun to try something new and we really enjoyed to work with these products!And we hope, that our readers get inspired of our article..You all are creative!!
Great week to everyone!
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