Idag tänker jag visa hur man kan göra två varianter av väskkort.
Today I am going to show two of my bagtutorials.
Det finns redan en stor mängd tutorials på sådana
kortvikningar men det kan man väl inte få för
mycket av, eller? ;)
Det finns redan en stor mängd tutorials på sådana
kortvikningar men det kan man väl inte få för
mycket av, eller? ;)
There is already a great quantity of those cardfoldings
but there is one thing you can´t get enough of, can you?
but there is one thing you can´t get enough of, can you?
Så här kommer alltså två tutorials som jag själv har gjort.
Håll tillgodo!
Håll tillgodo!
So here is two tutorials I have made myself.
You´re welcome!
You´re welcome!
Först ut är mitt ryggsäckskort!
First comes my backpackcard!
Denna varianten kan man göra på två olika vis.
This variant you can do in two different ways.
Antingen som jag gjort i min tutorial här nedan.
Eller så kan man göra väskan som ett fodral till ett kort,
då går inte väskan att vika upp.
då går inte väskan att vika upp.
Man öppnar bara överdelen av väskan för att ta
upp kortet som gömmer sig i ryggsäcken.
One way you can do as I have in my tutorial down below.
upp kortet som gömmer sig i ryggsäcken.
One way you can do as I have in my tutorial down below.
The other way is to do the bag as a cover for a card,
then you can´t open the bagcard entirely.
You just open the upper part of the bag to take up
the card that is hiding in the backpack.
Jag visar mönster på båda varianterna längre ner i artikeln.
I am showing patterns in both varietys later in the article.
then you can´t open the bagcard entirely.
You just open the upper part of the bag to take up
the card that is hiding in the backpack.
Jag visar mönster på båda varianterna längre ner i artikeln.
I am showing patterns in both varietys later in the article.
Det färdiga väskkortet.
The finished bagcard.
Some of the material you might need.
klipper du efter linjerna.
After you have drawn the pattern
(papersize 30x30 cm) you cut after the lines.
Then score the broken lines.
Cut 4 scores á 2 cm (for the shoulderstraps)
med inuti kortet.
Here I have chosen some patternpapers to
decorate with, inside the card.
Jag väljer att göra dessa,vilket
jag tycker förknippas med ryggsäck.
There are lots of variations to lock a bag.
I chose to make these. As I associate
them with backpacks.
på att dekorera väskans yttre med lite blommor.
Here I have put them on the bagcard.
I have also decorated the bag with some flowers.
De remmar du skurit till, sticker du in i
skårorna och limmar fast.
Now it´s time for the shoulderstraps.
The straps you have cut out are you putting
into the notches and glue.
Now the straps look like this outside the bag.
remmarna för att gömma dem. Därefter dekorerat
med en ficka och pennhållare/penghållare.
Now I have glued a pattern paper over the
glued straps for hiding them. And afterwards I have
decorated with a pocket and penholders/moneyholders.
Glue this little bit of paper.
It will stuck like this.
Finished result of the backpackbag. Inside the card.
The bag, from behind.
Pattern on the backpackbag-card.
Pattern on the backpack you can have as a case to a card.
Nu till min andra tutorial!
Nu till min andra tutorial!
Här vill jag visa ett plånbokskort!
En perfekt present till någon som exempelvis
fyller år eller konfirmerar sig..etc.
fyller år eller konfirmerar sig..etc.
Now to my other tutorial!
Here I want to show you a walletcard!
For example a perfect gift to someone´s
birthday or confirmation.
birthday or confirmation.
The finished bagcard.
Some of the materials you may need to this tutorial.
Draw the pattern on the paper (papersize 12x12 inch)
Här har jag bigat och sedan vikt,
så du ser hur det ska se ut.
så du ser hur det ska se ut.
Score then the broken lines.
Here I have creased and folded,
so you can see how it looks.
so you can see how it looks.
Cut the rest of the pattern and if you want,
chalk the edges afterwards.
chalk the edges afterwards.
Here I have chalked a paper. I will use it for the
coin-compartment. (check the pattern)
coin-compartment. (check the pattern)
Score the broken lines.
The coin-compartment will look like this
after the scoring and folding.
after the scoring and folding.
Obs! Lämna ca 0,5 cm på vardera sida av fåran.
(ignorera min fula, tjocka bowlingtumme!) :P
Cut a furrow with a scalpel or a cuttingmachine.
Obs! Leave around 0,5 cm on both sides of the furrow.
(ignore my ugly, fat bowlingthumb!) :P
Jag vill kunna försluta mitt myntfack
och väljer att sätta öljetter.
och väljer att sätta öljetter.
Så här mäter jag upp öljetternas placering.
This is voluntary.
I want to lock my coin-compartment
and choose to put some eyelets to it.
and choose to put some eyelets to it.
I measure the places for them like this.
The holes are done and the eyelets
are on the right places.
are on the right places.
Och här håller jag på att skära ut fåror som
”kreditkorten” ska sättas.
”kreditkorten” ska sättas.
Obs! Lämna ca 0,5 cm på varje sida av varje fåra.
Here I have cut out the cardholder (check the pattern)
On the picture I´m cutting out the furrows.
In the furrow you can put the creditcards.
Obs! Leave around 0,5 cm on both sides of each furrow.
Maybe it´s hard to se, but here we have the
creditcardholder with thoose three furrows.
Lycka till!
creditcardholder with thoose three furrows.
Dessa kommer jag limma ihop i kanterna (inte upptill!)
Så blir det som en riktig ficka.
Here I have cut out a pocket in both patterned-
and a white paper (Check the pattern).
and a white paper (Check the pattern).
These to I will glue together in the edges (not at the top!)
And it will turn out as a real pocket.
Denna kartongbit ska skydda baksidan av kortet
då jag nu ska göra hål för väskans låsanordning.
då jag nu ska göra hål för väskans låsanordning.
Here I have a piece of cardboard inside the walletcard.
This cardboard will protect the backside of the card
when I´m going to stick a needle in the front,
due to the bagcards lockingsystem.
when I´m going to stick a needle in the front,
due to the bagcards lockingsystem.
Sedan gör jag hål så nålen går genom de två översta
papprena. På så vis ser jag vart snöret ska sättas.
papprena. På så vis ser jag vart snöret ska sättas.
Here I place the button where I want it.
Then I make holes with the needle so it goes
through the two upper papers.
through the two upper papers.
Hålen har jag fått göra lite större med hjälp av nålen.
Desto styvare/hårdare snöre (ex floss) desto
enklare är det att trä i de små hålen.
enklare är det att trä i de små hålen.
There. Now is the string on the right place.
I made the holes little bigger with the needle.
With a stiffer string (ex floss) it´s easier to
put the string into those small holes.
put the string into those small holes.
I also sew the button into the paper,
so it will not fall of.
so it will not fall of.
För att pengarna inte ska trilla ut så
behövs myntfackets sidor limmas.
behövs myntfackets sidor limmas.
(Inte upptill! Nederkanten behövs inte heller limmas)
NOW! Back to the coin- compartment.
We have to glue the both sides of it so the
money not will tumble away/disappear.
money not will tumble away/disappear.
(don’t glue at the top! Not on the lower part either.
But you have to glue the ”legs” on the coin-compartment..
..and afterwards place the coin-compartment
at the crease, in the wallet.
at the crease, in the wallet.
Finished card. The wallet inside, with money
in the coin-compartment.
in the coin-compartment.
Kreditkortshållaren passar perfekt att
sätta små ”tillgodokvitton” i!
sätta små ”tillgodokvitton” i!
I fickan kan man lägga ett litet kärleksbrev,
en personlig hälsning eller varför inte sedlar?!
en personlig hälsning eller varför inte sedlar?!
Och låta mynten hålla sig i myntfacket. =)
Here you can see the coin-compartment is
closed with a string through the eyelets.
Creditcardholder fits perfect for small “in credit”-cards.
closed with a string through the eyelets.
Creditcardholder fits perfect for small “in credit”-cards.
In the pocket you can place a loveletter,
a personal greating or why not some money?!
a personal greating or why not some money?!
And let the coins stay in the coin-compartment. =)
Close photo of my ”in credit”-cards.
(here it says in Swedish that this receipt
entitles 3 meals on a restaurant.
entitles 3 meals on a restaurant.
And also a receipt on a picnic!)
Pattern on the walletcard.
Patterns on some accessories.
In the left corner: The coin-compartment
In the right corner: visitcardholder
In the middle: pocket
Lycka till!
Good luck!
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